TEP-Talk: The Major Tax Reform
The Government wants a major reform of our tax system to move the tax burden from earnings and pensions to wealth. Finance Minister Van Peteghem has been tasked with bringing it about. He is moving slowly not to upset the apple cart and the proposals he put on the table have been greeted with mild enthousiasm.
What is he thinking about?
- slightly lower tax rates and a higher personal allowance;
- a new tax regime for stock options, workers' participation and carried interest;
- an increase of the tax on securities and the stock exchange tax.
The real major tax reform will be for the next government What is likely to come later?
- tax on actual net rental income;
- a personal allowance for investment income;
- capital gains tax.
Things are getting clearer from week to week. We will give you a general view of what to expect and how to anticipate the changes.
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